Berit: Mum of a butterfly, children and plants

My gardening angels

Berit sows seeds of resilience in her garden, as well as in her everyday life.

Berit, her husband Martin and their children Oswin, Vitus, Eloy and Lorenz form a naturally charming family. They’ve all grown up like wheat in the sun blond, with an eternal smile and playful creativity. This German family lives by and for nature, because ecology is in their DNA. It’s only natural that self-sufficiency should have sprung up in this family.

Berit creates her own beauty and cleaning products, and beautifies her world with paintings full of grace and love. She paints on stones as well as on pregnant mums’ bellies. Martin makes his own jars of fermented ingredients and vegan delicacies. I had the pleasure of tasting Martin’s cashew spread and Berit’s delicious vegan dishes. And the children help to design the super nutritious vegan breakfasts.

In fact, every meal begins with a joyful hymn, which all the family members sing together, holding hands: “Piep, piep, piep, wir haben uns alle lieb und guten appetit!” i.e. “Beep, beep, beep, we all love each other and bon appetit!”

I even sampled their hospitality. And it was in the pretty vegetable garden that Berit honoured me with her beautiful butterfly anecdote, confirming the wonderful energy and waves of love of this special, loving family. Let me tell you about it. While Berit was visiting a butterfly greenhouse, a mother butterfly laid her egg on Berit’s dress.

The butterfly entrusted her baby to Berit, who became the adoptive mother of a baby butterfly that she fed every day. Because Berit is love. For me, it was only natural to leave her seeds from the best seed growers in France, because I knew that she would look after them with her heart. I gave them to her because I know they’ll produce beautiful vegetables full of love. Berit: & Martin :

La Belle Plante

A graduate in gardening and landscaping from the famous Ecole Du Breuil in Paris, she also trained in permaculture, agroecology and organic gardening in France and Asia.

Today she creates ecological vegetable gardens and she brings biodiversity to life and makes it understandable with humour and poetry.

Interview with a beautiful organic plant