Poopke: Her love song to plants

My gardening angels

Poopke sows love and hope even in poor, timid soil. Poopke sows life. Poopke sows joy. She doesn’t know much about growing. She didn’t take a gardening course. She just followed her instincts. But Poopke is full of life and love, so she shares it.

She’s not afraid to overcome obstacles, such as clearing a plot full of clutter and rubbish on her own to bring it back to life. She converted a rough, cluttered plot of land in her urbanisation, which no-one was using, into a small, terraced vegetable garden, where neighbours are now busy offering her seeds, compost and sometimes a little help. She has grown cabbages and squash, among other things.

Para ella, las plantas son creaciones de Dios. Incluso ha dedicado una canción a sus favoritas: Les tournesols.

I gave her some seeds because I know that the plants that grow from them will receive a lot of attention, love and joy from Poopke. And a few musical notes.

La Belle Plante

A graduate in gardening and landscaping from the famous Ecole Du Breuil in Paris, she also trained in permaculture, agroecology and organic gardening in France and Asia.

Today she creates ecological vegetable gardens and she brings biodiversity to life and makes it understandable with humour and poetry.

Interview with a beautiful organic plant